Milo T20 Blast Indoor
is a new format of cricket that is available for girls and boys. UNDER 10’s, UNDER 8’S.
It is a fun and social way for kids to get active with their friends.
Eight week program
Action-packed games, where everyone gets a chance to bat, bowl and field.
All games last just over an hour.
Players of all abilities can play indoor cricket using a softer ball.
General Information
MILO T20 Blast Indoor
Indoor cricket is
a great way to stay
fit, make friends
and have fun.
Contact for more details: Bendigo Major League PH: (03) 5447 1077 or 0428 471 077
RADAR GUN See how fast (or slow) you bowl! Great for motivating your bowling pace or just having fun with your mates.
It is understood the following
conditions shall apply
Full game fees are expected each week before the
start regardless of the number of players playing
Teams paying short will recieve no game points that week
Forfeit fees apply. The fee is equivalent to a game fee and
must be paid within a week of forfeit. ANY MORE THAN 1 forfeit
for a season and team may be removed from the competition at
the centres discretion.
Teams must be in matching coloured shirts by the third round.
Shorts and tracksuit pants can be worn. NO denim an NO singlets
will be tolerated.
All jewellery with the exception of a flat wedding band must
be removed or taped with your own tape.
Players must play a minimum of 3 games during the season to
qualify for finals.
Any verbal, physical, net abuse or deliberate bad sportsmanship
will not be tolerated.
All team members play at their own risk and accept the playing
conditions of the centre.
Remember the most important thing is to enjoy yourself and
good luck for the season ahead.